Gavin's Adventures on the Mystical Island of Britain -- Part 11

A list of the adventures.

The mysterious stones of Lanyon Quoit

After I had reached the road and the safety of my wagon, I chose to head south. I knew that the city of Penzance lay in that direction, and perhaps I would be able to exchange my tales for a good meal there.

I had gone less than a mile when I came upon another wonder. Right there, at the side of the road, was a structure made of four stones, with three acting as supports for the fourth. The supporting stones were about nine feet tall, and that was only the part visible above the ground. The stone on the top was also huge. After hopping over the fence, I was able to walk right into the structure and stare up at the massive roof. It must have been ten or fifteen feet long and almost as wide, and supported only by the other three stones.

About a hundred feet from the stone structure, I found a pool with sides made of the same smooth stone. I wondered if perhaps the structure had once been inhabited. Perhaps this pool had been used many thousands of years ago to cool off on a hot summer's day.

I later found out that the structure is called Lanyon Quoit, and that it is believed to be the burial site of an ancient chieftain. When I asked about the pool, I heard various theories. I heard that the stone for the Quoit had been taken from the ground, and that was what left the pool. I heard that the pool had been cut by the workers who cut the stones. They used it to cool down while they were working. I heard that the pool had been dug by priests long after the Quoit, when it had been turned into a holy site for some ancient gods.

As I continued toward Penzance, I passed a sign to a place called Trereife Park. It sounded familiar, and I finally remembered that some of my Walding friends had told me that there was a display of gypsy caravans there. Curious about gypsies, who are, after all, somewhat like Waldings, I decided to go and visit them.

Alas, these gypsies truly are like Waldings, and by the time I arrived they had moved on. By then it was getting late, so I headed back toward my hotel. On my way, I met some locals who told me what wonderful weather they had been having, up until about a week before I arrived. They also told me of a hill, at the top of which there is a great Cairn, and at the base of which there are hut circles.

Of course, as I arrived at this marvelous hill, the ever-present rain had become a downpour again. I searched for some time but was unable to find the hut circles, and started to get frustrated with getting wet for no reward. I climbed the hill to see the magnificent cairn, but I don't know if I found it. With the rain as heavy as it was, I could easily have walked right by it without seeing it. What I found was a small mound which was obviously not natural.

The mound was surrounded by a ditch which had apparently been covered sometime in the distant past. Time and weather had eaten away at the stone covering and it had fallen in on the ditch. The mound itself was more solidly built. I was sure some ancient king must be buried beneath my feet, and I felt that I must ask his permission to continue my travels through what must once have been his lands.

With the kind permission of this ancient king, I returned to my wagon and headed back to the hotel, where I intended to sample more of this British water, though this time I intended it to be hot and indoors.

- The previous adventure: Men-An-Tol, most magical of all, a dark and sacred place.
- The next adventure: Carn Euny, an ancient village.
- Return to Grannus' circle.
- Go back to the front gate.

Page maintained by Stewart of Esmerel.